Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rio Pardo remembered...

Here's another link to the Duluth News Tribune Attic (March 6). Rio Pardo, a well known Duluth entertainer of the 70's, was the focus of my very first newspaper column (1972). Learn more about Rio Pardo HERE in the Duluth News Tribune Attic's Area Voices and check out my comment below to learn about the evolution of my newspaper columns. It's always fun to look back!

Jim Heffernan says:
Well now, what a pleasant surprise to find my very first News Tribune column reproduced in the Attic. I had interviewed Rio between sets during his show at Hotel Duluth’s Black Bear Lounge (now Greysolon Plaza’s Blackwater). He was quite a gentleman, very soft spoken, hugely talented. Regarding the run-on first name — Jamesearl: I don’t recall that part of the interview, but I doubt I would have written that and made a point of explaining it if he hadn’t told me. When I started writing my personal column for the paper, I thought it was going to be weekly interviews with interesting people like Rio Pardo — first-person feature stories. I soon ran out of people and time to do interviews so I began making them up.

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