I was thinking that you might be wondering about what happened to that humungous snow pile that accumulated from a winter's worth of snowplowing left in a special spot in our neighborhood. I posted a picture of what that huge snow pile looked like at the climax of winter, with me (6' 2") standing next to it as a way to measure it's height. As you recall, our neighbors have a yearly contest to see when this giant snow pile would melt... a Minnesota winter contest tradition. Here's a picture (above) taken on Wednesday, April 22nd, when the pile was greatly diminished. That pile officialy melted–down to the ground–yesterday, April 24 in the morning. Let spring officially begin in Minnesota!
The next step is to watch the greenline move north. I learned last year that in the spring of the year, there is a "greenline" that moves north at a rate of 15 miles per day. So...where is it green now? Let's calculate... just when will it reach Duluth? Another contest?
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