Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Tomorrow we will celebrate Father's Day. I'll be with my son and my son-in-law, all of us fathers. We'll be surrounded by six little ones–all five years of age and younger. It should be a busy but fun day. It got me thinking back to the evolution of my life as a father–now grandfather–and all the changes that I've made and those changes in society over those years for men/fathers as well.

My son-in-law provides the day-to-day care of the children while my daughter works full time. Her work allows some "work at home" time that gives flexibility to this young family. My daughter-in-law works in an office at home while my son works in an office away from home. My son shares the load pretty evenly for care of their three children, working out many details together.

Today's NY Times (click HERE) includes an interesting story about this transformation of dads. Dads don't have an easy job in today's world, it turns out. And... neither do moms.

Happy Father's Day to all those hard-working dads out there!

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